Happy Birthday Alexandra!

Or: How to gommorize a chicken - a pictory

On this sweet girl's day of birth did we meet...
We bought her a gift - a book just as sweet!

The Sweet Tooth for her sweet tooth

But getting us drunk is just not her style,
She went to the kitchen and cooked for a while.

This smells great!

"What could be that smell, that scent so delish'?" "It's just a surprize, a marvelous dish!"


Th' chicken was tanning, this meal looked high-class,
But what is the thing that stuck out its ...?

Gettin' hungry!

A bottle that boiled and cooked the inside,
Raped the crisp chicken that roasted with pride.

The proudly tanned chicken

"I don't need a fork!": Bogdan's hungry roar; Marius stood speechless, like never before;

This looks so good

Through wide open eyes, Radu seemed to steal
This feast for a king, this heavenly meal.

A feast for an advertiser

With tummy now full, content and with glee,
She gleamed over sweets: a chocolaty sea.

Mountains of goodies

All on her own made the meal so complete
And still found the time to make us this treat!

A marvelous treat

Happy Birthday Alexandra!

And thank you, from the bottom of our stomachs!