Hello world, it's been a while. No, we're not gone, nor idle or lazy. We've just had more on our plate than usual. That's something you might hear a lot if you ever get to spend a day at Maronqua. Due mostly to our obsessive compulsiveness, our never-ending quest for…
You've probably heard that we don't do average. So when one of us leaves, he does it in style. Yes, we know what you're all pondering "Why in God's name would anyone leave Maronqua?". Well, how about to go study at the Shakespeare Institute at the University of Birmingham, in…
Time flies when you’re having fun! On that note we wish to wish (how’s that for copy?) a Happy Birthday to... well... us!!! Yep, it’s actually been a year since Radu Tudorie and Oana Cojocaru founded Maronqua. Since then we’ve been breaking the boundaries of creativity…
You know how they say that the shortest horror story is: "Monday"? Well, today this lightheartedly smiling fairy waltzed into our office and manage to actually break the Monday Curse with: her upbeat and energetic attitude her enthusiasm and bright ideas during creative sessions and (if you haven't figured it…
Maronqua is not your average (cup o') joe and neither is anything we do. But think about it...that's actually a really good thing, since our goal is to improve everything and do things differently. That's the reason why our team buildings don't really follow the "21 ways to strengthen…